set temp0= "ShowHyperText" & QUOTE & "99"& QUOTE set HyperTextList = [ #180:temp0] set VideoList = [] @ DARTOIS If you make the puff pastry by yourself, fold it only 4 times. You can buy a prepared deep-frozen pastry or fresh pastry at your confectioner's. Soften the butter but do not melt it, mix it with the powdered almonds, sugar and rum. When the mixture is smooth, add the 2 eggs, one by one, making sure that the first egg is absorbed before adding the second one. Stir until the sugar melts. Divide up the puff pastry into two parts, one slightly smaller than the other. Roll out the smaller one into a 4-inch wide, 12- to 14-inch long, 1/4-inch thick rectangle. Lay it on the buttered baking sheet. Put the almond paste, rolled into a stick, in the center. Roll out the other part of the pastry into a rectangle having the same dimensions as the first one but 1/3-inch thick. Moisten the edges of the first half, cover with the second, pressing the edges to stick well, trim the edges with a knife. Use the tip of the knife to slit obliquely all the edges. Glaze with the beaten egg, watching out for drippings on the edges. Draw diamond shapes with the tip of the knife. Bake in a hot oven (450F). Do not open the oven during the first 20 minutes. Glaze again, turn down the heat to 400F, bake for a further 40 minutes. The cake is baked if it does not fold if you lift up one of the sides. @ For a 14 x 4 inch cake: 1 lb ready-to-use puff pastry 1 pack vanilla sugar 1/2 cup granulated sugar 1/4 lb almonds, powdered 3 1/2 oz butter 2 eggs 1 tbsp rum 1 egg to glaze @ 25 mn @ 60 mn @ @ @ Desserts @ @ @